Thursday, 26 March 2015
Southern African accounting researchers holding a relevant masters degree or PhD degree are invited to submit research proposals forpossible inclusion in the workshop. Up to 20 proposals will be selected for discussion in each of two tracks. The morning track will feature the work of seasoned/senior Southern African academics holding the rank of Associate or Full Professor and the afternoon track will feature the work of ‘early career’ academics holding the rank of Lecturer or Senior Lecturer.
The IAAER Paper Development Workshop Faculty will select the research proposals to be included in the 29 June 2015 workshop and will attend the workshop to provide feedback and guidance to participants. Authors must confirm their participation in the workshop by 15 May 2015.
Proposals should be submitted to on or before 1 April 2015. Early submission is encouraged. Research proposals should not exceed ten pages (excluding references). All submissions should be double-spaced, should use 12-point Times New Roman font, and should be in English. Each submission should include a brief (one page or less) bio of the author(s) including the author’s current employer (university) and all degrees held. Only those submissions fully adhering to the preceding guidelines will be considered for inclusion in the workshop.
Read the call for proposals: 2015_IAAER_SAAA_PDW_JUNE_29
Story By : Ilse Lubbe