Wednesday, 03 July 2019
The 2019 SAAA/IAAER International Conference that was held on 26 to 28 June at the Emperors Palace in Gauteng was a HUGE success! Well done to all the presenters, delegates, sponsors and prize winners and the organising committee.
Click on this news flash for links to the conference photos and two FORUM newsletters.
FORUM - 27 June 2019
FORUM - 28 June 2019
CONFERENCE PHOTOS: Or: In order to download the photos, please go to the
photographer's website -
and click on "Work" and then "Corporate". Then click on the SAAA group photo (2nd from the top). This
will open the linked page to the conference photos.
Please click on a photo to maximise it and then right click
and select "Save image as" to save to your computer.
Story By : SAAA News